Boots, Blues and BBQ

The Metropolitan Ensemble Theatre is hosting its annual Fall fundraiser on Saturday, October 13th from 6 to 11 pm.  They will be serving barbecue from five area restaurants which will give you an exciting opportunity to try your favorites side-by-side to see if one truly stands out. 

Music will be provided by the Bluesberry Jam Band from around Jackson, Tennessee (about 87 miles Northeast of Memphis on I-40).  Their music is built upon the delta blues style with a mixture of some of the 60’s & 70’s.   Watch and listen to them on UTube in a live television performance from 2007 for WREG TV in Memphis.


Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to helping school children see Metropolitan Ensemble plays.  Tickets are $50.  The event is being held at the theatre. See you there!

Metropolitan Ensemble Theatre
3614 Main
Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: (816) 569-3226

Fight Local Hunger and Have Fun

It’s that time of year again, Autumn, which brings one of our family’s favorite traditions, getting lost in the Liberty Corn Maze.  The maze is different each year.  This year’s maze features the face of a child, the face of a farmer and the Harvesters Community Food Network logo.  Harvesters is one of my favorite local charities.  I believe that no one living in the land of plenty should have to go hungry.  Here is a fun and easy way to help out.  If you bring at least two cans of food with you to the corn maze for donation to Harvesters, you’ll receive two dollars off the admission price.  The maze is located two miles South of Liberty, Missouri, click here for directions, if you use MapQuest or Google Maps, etc., you could get lost.  

The Liberty Corn Maze is open weekends through Sunday, October 28th.
Adult (14+): $10
Child (5-13): $8
Child (0-4):  Free
Hours of Operation:
Fridays 5pm (last admission 10pm)
Saturdays 10 am (last admission 10pm)
Sundays  10 am (last admission 5pm)
17607 Northeast 52nd Street
Liberty, MO 64068
Phone:  (816) 781-9196

Cooking Tips From Joe West

Attend the  cooking demos in the Missouri Barn at Powell Gardens, where local top chefs use fresh ingredients picked just before the demonstration for their dishes.  This Sunday, September 23rd, Joe West, Chef de Cuisine at Bluestem, will be featured.    The demonstration starts at 2 p.m.  There’s no additional charge to see Chef West, the demonstration is included with your admission to Powell Gardens.  After this Sunday, there is only one more of these demonstrations this year.  I plan on making the trek out there to hopefully pick-up a few cooking tips from an acclaimed chef.  See you there!

 Powell Gardens
1609 N.W. U.S. Highway 50 
Kingsville, MO 64061 
Phone:  816-697-2600
Admission:  $10/adults, $9/seniors, $4/children ages 5-12

Closest Thing To Mountain Climbing IN KC

 Here’s an opportunity to do something really cool and raise money for a good cause at the same time.  Over The Edge For Special Olympics Missouri gives you the chance to rappel 217 feet down the side of the Clubhouse on Baltimore.  There are only two rules for participation, you must be at least 14 years old and you have to raise a minimum of $1,000.  You better start your fundraising today, the event takes place on Friday, September 28th, 2012.  Find out more here.  If you don’t feel adventurous enough to go over the edge yourself and you’d just like to watch people rappel, you can always come downtown and watch the event for free.  See you there.

The Clubhouse on Baltimore
1228 Baltimore 
Kansas City, Missouri   64105 
Phone:  (816) 221-8986

Discover the Art of Italian Cooking

Discover new ways to use fresh ingredients by attending  cooking demos in the Missouri Barn at Powell Gardens.  This Sunday, September 9th, Cody Hogan, Lidia’s top chef, will be featured.   Most of these demos have included samples, and I certainly hope that this one does because I love Italian food and I love Lidia’s.   The demonstration starts at 2 p.m.  There’s no additional charge to see Chef Cody, the demonstration is included with your admission to Powell Gardens.  It’s supposed to be sunny and 78 degrees this Sunday, it will be a perfect day to walk around the gardens and hopefully pick-up a few cooking tips from an acclaimed chef.  See you there!

 Powell Gardens
1609 N.W. U.S. Highway 50 
Kingsville, MO 64061 
Phone:  816-697-2600
Admission:  $10/adults, $9/seniors, $4/children ages 5-12