Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Answer 14 Top Science Questions

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Answer 14 Top Science Questions

Find out where the candidates stand on climate change, research, energy, space and more in this article from Scientifiic American.

Meet Senator Claire McCaskill in Person

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill will be in town Thursday, September 6th on the campus of UMKC.  She will be discussing her record on education issues at 11:00 am in Room 401 of the Student Union, 5100 Cherry Street, KC, MO. 

Here’s a prime opportunity to meet the Missouri Democratic incumbant for Senate in person.

Five things to watch for from the Democractic National Convention

Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, the Kansas City Business Journal has listed the five things you need to watch for from this weeks’ Democratic National Convention, they are:

  1. How will President Obama respond to Republican charges that he’s anti-business?
  2. How will President Obama convince Americans that the next four years will be better than the past four years?
  3. Will Bill Clinton’s speech make the case for President Obama or for himself?
  4. Will President Obama’s stadium speech inspire voters or prompt thoughts that he didn’t live up to their expectations?
  5. Will there be any unscripted “Clint Eastwood moments”?

Whether you watch the Democratic Convention or not, I’m sure the media will answer these five questions ad nauseam.  In any event, it’s turned out to be a very interesting race with a very clear choice between candidates.

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